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How do you know your passes stand out in competitive soccer match?


Matt Jacob

Executive Director of Coaching

USSF "A' License

During my early stages of playing soccer, I was taught that passing is the "heart of the game". This principle still holds true.

Great passing skills using different parts of the feet dictate the natural flow in advanced teams Focusing on passing and its technical aspects reveals much about the player and the challenges coaches face in high-stakes competition.

Here are a few tips to improve your passing:

STANDING FOOT FACES THE TARGET - The biomechanics of passing require the player's standing foot to face the direction of the pass, which is paramount. For example, when using the right foot to pass, the left foot should aim at the target or intended receiver. This should be emphasized for young players and practiced repeatedly until mastery is achieved.

MAKING CONTACT AT THE CENTER OF THE BALL - Advanced players visualize the point of contact before passing, making it an intentional act. Contacting the ball at its equator ensures a straight trajectory to the target If contact is too low, the ball tends to rise, making it harder to control, especially for novice players.

FOLLOW-THROUGH QUICK AND SNAPPY - An exaggerated follow-through is beneficial when young players first learn the passing technique. Repetition helps develop muscle memory. Advanced players can cover a lot of distance with their follow-through and consistently reach the intended target.

STANDING FOOT IS CLOSER TO THE BALL - The non-passing foot should be next to the ball, determining the height of the pass. Keeping the knee and chest over the ball provides natural flow and balance. When positioned correctly, players can evaluate and adjust to ensure the ball reaches the intended target.

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